Monday, June 2, 2008


welcome to the site, this site will give you information about the hazards created by the mobile phones, and how to be safe from it. In this generation the mobile phones are being used so oridinally safe and the peoples are making wrong use with it. The peoples in this world are using mobile phones slapdashly without looking to their future. but many peoples don't know that there are some harmful effects of using mobile phones. We have made an attempt to find out the reality as such and looking for a meaningful conclusion. For this we are going through various research papers concerning this topic and trying to find out the results.Our project based on the Health effects of mobile phones radiation. Actually the cell phones and the cell phone base station antenna deliver radiofrequency energy to the user's body. However the base stations antenna do not much affect but it should not be ignored.
This project includes main aspects of human exposure to radiofrequency waves. Maximum scientific evidence related to the brain cancer, DNA changes, memory standard, consciousness, and many other health effects occurs, will be presented sequentially. Specific absorption rate (SAR) also will be discussed in respect of human head, so as to decide the limit of exposures, which in turn will be compared with the reported value given by ICNIRP, ANSI, NCRP and others.

This project will provide the meaningful knowledge of health effects due to mobile phones and its base stations antennas. This project is also intends to observe the extent of adverse effects due to heating effects of cell phone radiations. However the many research works indicates till date that cell phone and base stations are safe as long as they satisfy the ICNIRP emissions standards.To date over more than 60 studies have shown adverse human health effects specifically from cell phone radiation. which shows a strong risk factor for all of the adverse health effects identified for EMR because they share the same biological mechanisms. This effect becomes more prominent to the cell phone users because of the high exposure to their heads and the great sensitivity of brain tissue and brain processes. More over it also cause the DNA damage, which accelerates cell death in the brain, advancing neurodegenerative diseases and brain cancer. Brain tumour is already an identified risk factor. Cell phones are carried on people's belts and in breast pockets.
Through this site we want the people make aware of the effects of mobile phones. So that we can save our world from this increasing hazard.

Well-replicated studies have shown that weak electromagnetic fields remove calcium ions bound to the membranes of living cells, making them more likely to tear, develop temporary pores and leak.
Leakage of calcium ions into neurones generates spurious action potentials accounting for pain and other neurological symptoms in electro-sensitive individuals.

The first "modern" network technology on digital 2G (second generation) cellular technology was launched by Radiolinja in 1991 .

DNAase leaking through the membranes of lysosomes explains the fragmentation of DNA seen in cells exposed to mobile phone signals. When this occurs in the germ line, it reduces fertility and predicts genetic damage in future generations.

Leakage of calcium ions into the cytosol acts as a metabolic stimulant, which accounts for reported accelerations of growth and healing, but it also promotes the growth of tumours.

Nokia is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones.

India expects to reach 500 million subscribers by end of 2010.

As of August 2005, there were more than 2 billion users worldwide.

mobile phones were first used in the 1900's.

In 1945, the zero generation (0G) of mobile telephones was introduced.

In 1983, Motorola DynaTAC was the second approved mobile phone by FCC.

In 1984, Bell Labs invented cellular technology, which employed multiple, centrally-controlled base stations.

The first commercial cellular network was launched in Japan by NTT in 1979.

Well-replicated studies have shown that weak electromagnetic fields remove calcium ions bound to the membranes of living cells, making them more likely to tear, develop temporary pores and leak.

Leakage of calcium ions into neurones generates spurious action potentials accounting for pain and other neurological symptoms in electro-sensitive individuals.

The first "modern" network technology on digital 2G (second generation) cellular technology was launched by Radiolinja in 1991 .

DNAase leaking through the membranes of lysosomes explains the fragmentation of DNA seen in cells exposed to mobile phone signals. When this occurs in the germ line, it reduces fertility and predicts genetic damage in future generations.

Leakage of calcium ions into the cytosol acts as a metabolic stimulant, which accounts for reported accelerations of growth and healing, but it also promotes the growth of tumours.

The first "modern" network technology on digital 2G (second generation) cellular technology was launched by Radiolinja in 1991 .
Nokia is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones.

India expects to reach 500 million subscribers by end of 2010.